On this information platform you will find all relevant information about the RASCI-method and qualified partners who can support you. Here you can ask all your questions about the RASCI-method. Whether it concerns the latest book, consultancy firms that can guide you, or knowledge partners that support the RASCI-method.
The information platform about the RASCI-methodTM!
The RASCI-methodTM is a standardized and participatory method to arrive at a description and optimization of a business process supported by all those involved, using the RASCI-modelTM.
In addition to the business model and the frameworks from management, the 3-2-1 phasing and the 8-step plan are used.
Are you looking for a professional partner who can guide you in implementing the RASCI-method? Do you want to be sure that that partner has the necessary experience with the RASCI-method? We show all qualified consultancy firms with certified consultants who can guide you in optimizing your processes. We also provide an overview of knowledge partners that actively support the RASCI-method.
Would you like to read more about the RASCI-method? Want to discover first-hand how this method came about, which steps you need to go through and how to involve the right people? Then check out the latest book by Arno Schilders, the inventor of the RASCI-model and founder of RASCI.net. With many anecdotes and practical examples. Now available online everywhere as a paperback or eBook.
Ordering the book?
Does your organization also get lost in a jungle of procedures, rules and documents? With shelves full of manuals that no one reads or understands anymore? Are the responsibilities still not clear? Stop the bureaucracy and stop making the work more and more complicated. Get back to the essence with the RASCI-methodTM.
Business processes ánd responsibilities powerfully combined
- Focus on the processes with which you realize your ambitions.
- Remove the baggage from your organization.
- Provide clarity in responsibilities.
- Involve your people and use their full potential.
Arno Schilders explains step by step how to do this with maximum support. A practical guide full of examples of how to optimize and record business processes on one A4, make the connection between them clear and systematically involve everyone. Resulting in .......
RASCI-MethodTM book (Dutch only)
The RASCI-model formed the foundation for the development of the Process Manager. A relational database in which each process, document or function is recorded only once. Very useful for changes.
Koos Leeuwenstein
Managing Director
INBISCO Management Systems
Practical case
Together with Van Haren Publishing, we believe that the RASCI-method could become a new global standard for optimizing business processes.
Arno Schilders
Founding Partner
RASCI Methode B.V.
Practical case
With this book you get the recipe for a concrete, well-thought-out plan that is supported by everyone to create order out of chaos.
Bart Simmelink
SHEQ Manager
Practical case
I am very grateful to Arno for developing the RASCI-method and I still breathe the RASCI philosophy and principles. Yet it surprises me that such a strong and simple method is still relatively unknown in the world. There are so many other companies that could benefit from this.
Lammert de Boer
Managing Director
Practical case
By means of the RASCI-method, we managed to integrate 3 different companies into one uniform process in a relatively short period of time. We now also have one proposition to the customer. We are therefore very proud of the transition we have made.
Barry Boertje
Director Tender & Project Execution
Practical case
The RASCI-method helped me to clearly define responsibilities in key positions and to gradually transfer ownership to the new management.
Eduard Saris
Eduards Trailer Factory
Practical case
Succes stories
Would you like support with the RASCI-methodTM?
Such as training, guidance, or help in choosing suitable software.
Then look at our qualified partners who work according to the RASCI-methodTM.
New information platform 1 November 2023 With the introduction of the book about the RASCI-method, we also present a brand new website: RASCI.net! On this information platform you will find all relevant information about the RASCI-method... Read more Book presentation November 1st 24 October 2023 On November 1, the time has really come, the one and only book about the RASCI method will see the light of day. The book presentation will be held in private with people who contributed to the... Read moreAgenda
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